Saturday, April 13, 2024

Slide of the Month Extra: Wash Station


April 2024

Time to make: 2  hours

Finishing: 1 hour

Original design:  Bill Macfarlane

You never know when inspiration will it you. In this case, I was at camp Wakpominee for an OA ordeal weekend and outside the mess hall I saw this wash station. I had some time before starting my duties in the kitchen so I grabbed my knife and some wood I brought to start carving this slide. 

The wood well I really don't know what kind of wood it is because it was from an old cutting board we had at home. The cutting board, after years of use and many trips through the dishwasher, was falling apart at the glue seams and I thought why not. After carving the basic shape of the wash station, I used a piece of aluminum flashing to form the tub. I painted the station with some hobby paints before I super glued the tub to the station. Next I drilled holes for the faucet and handles both on the front and side of the wash station. The faucet was made from some aluminum wire and the handles are small Philip head screws. These were glued in place using super glue. A couple of coats of poly finished the slide off

Monday, April 1, 2024

Slide of the Month Extra: Philmont Most of us made it


April 2024

Time to make: 2 hours

Finishing: 1 hour

Original design:  Bill Macfarlane

Well...Most of us made it! ...

No it's not a real Philmont award (posted April 1st) but based on the "We all made it" from Philmont and my odd sense of humor.

The redness of the feet and the bandaged blisters tell the tale of the trail. Made from pallet pine painted with hobby paints and the dressings are made from paper towels glued in place. A couple of coats of poly finish it off.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Slide of the Month Extra: Philmont Chase Cow Camp


March 2024

Time to make: 3 hours

Finishing: 1 hour

Original design:  Philmont/Bill Macfarlane

Chase Cow Camp was built in 2019 to replace Dean Cow camp (lost in the 2018 Ute Park fire) and features climbing and repelling. It also is the only camp to feature bouldering great for those who are afraid of heights.

I so like the contrast of smooth and rough like in this slide. Carved from pallet pine, the rocks are carved in chip style and the climber is sanded smooth. I decided to do the sky as a sanded chip style. The slide is painted with hobby paints and the lettering/heart are done with waterslide paper. A couple coats of poly finish the slide off

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Slide of the Month Extra: Turks Head with special beads

March 2024

Time to make: .5 hour

Finishing: 0 hour

Original design:  Bill Macfarlane

With the other length of leather cord I had did the same turks head slide but with a twist. The beads I used were either color changing in the sun or glow in the dark. Neat upgrade to the previous slide

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Slide of the Month Extra: Turks Head with beads


March 2024

Time to make: .5 hour

Finishing: hour

Original design:  Bill Macfarlane

I was going through a box the other day and I found a length of leather cord. Not to let it go to waste I quickly tied a turks head slide. Since I had extra on each side I thought why not add some beads to it. Quick and easy slide.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Slide of the Month-Indian Plaques


March 2024

Time to make: 1 hours

Finishing: .5 hour
Boy's Life July 1982,  p. 64

Original design:  Lew Weston

I would say this was an easy slide to complete but it did take a bit of time on the computer using MS paint to edit, enhance, and color according to the colors suggested in the article. Once I had copies I was happy with, I printed them on waterslide paper and applied they to some hobby rounds that I had painted white. A couple of coats of poly finish them off.  

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Slide of the Month Extra: Philmont Phillips Junction


February 2024

Time to make: 3 hours

Finishing: 1 hour
Original design:  Philmont/Bill Macfarlane

Phillips Junction is the location of one of the largest commissary's at Philmont (I did a slide about the commissary here.) Beside the commissary, there are campsites, showers and potable water but fishing?
As it turns out it is only 1.5 miles away from Fish Camp so an easy hike to go fishing. Fun tidbit about Phillips Junction, it has the worst radio reception of any of the staffed camps but also has the most vehicle traffic. Must be from all the food being brought in. 

Made from a hobby store plywood oval painted with hobby paints, lettered with waterslide paper and a large hand tied fly glued to the slide. (Yes, I tied the fly.) A couple coats of poly finish it off