December 2023
Time to make: 3 hours
Finishing: 1 hour
Original design: Unknown Scout/Bill Macfarlane
Before "Slide of the Month" became a regular feature in Boys Life, there was lots of encouragement about Scouts making their own neckerchief slides. In his regular feature "Hiking with Green Bar Bill", William Hillcourt had this to say;
"A few years ago, while visiting the Chicago Boy Scout Camps, a Scout presented me with what has become my favorite neckerchief slide. I never got his name and I'm really sorry I didn't, because this slide is a peach. It is a wonderful piece of wood carving in the shape of a Viking Chief. It has been with me through many countries and it has never failed to arouse interest,"
This month's "Side of the Month" is dedicated to Mr. Hillcourt and that unknown Scout.
Using the drawing from article, I've created my version of this slide from a piece of leftover basswood. After drawing out the basic design, I began cutting out the outline of the slide not really sure how I was going to finish this. Well the more I carved, the more it came together. What I ended up with was a great looking slide. I sanded the slide but left some rough areas in the slide as scars because a Viking Chief I'm sure would have some. I finished off the slide with some shellac because it gives shows off some great details painting would not.