July 2023
Time to make: 1 hours
Finishing: 0 hour
Boy's Life: March 2001, page 60
Original design: Luke Fiaher
When I was out at Philmont a year ago our crew walked right my this fellow on the trail. The funny part is we all walked right by him and stopped a few feet away for a break. (I had to tell the Ranger to move because he was about 10 inches away when I spotted the snake)
A fun one for the Cub Scouts! This is an easy slide to make because I used a piece of 12 gage solid wire, some tubing, beads, some duct tape, and super glue. I passed the wire through the tubbing and then using black duct, cut to size, wrapped the tube like a candy cane. Next I glued a large oval bead to one end of the wire leaving about 1/8 inch open at the end. Using red duct tape folded back on it self, I cut out a snake tongue and glued it to the opening I had left in the head. The eyes are smaller dark beads glued to the head. (But if I was going to do it again, I would have used googly eyes). The rattle part of the snake was done with larger pony beads added to the wire. Don't glue the last bead at this point! Once again if I was doing this slide again I might have used glow in the dark or pony beads that change color in the sun light for the rattle. Finally wrap the snake around a 3/4 inch piece of dowel or PVC pipe adjusting the head and tail to your liking. To finish the slide, trim the wire flush with the last pony bead and super glue