Sunday, August 16, 2020

Slide of the Month - Monkey Fist

August 2020

Time to made: 1 hour ish

Design: Bill Macfarlane

I've been told many a story about the Monkey's Fist knot -  everything from weapon to weighted end on a throwing line .  Mostly I see them as key chain fobs, zipper pulls, or hanging off back packs but I got a thought. What about a slide?

Tied with some spare paracord and a wooden ball it is finished off with bowline for the loop...

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Slide of the Month - Ladybug

August 2020

Time to make: 2 hours

Boys Life "Slide of the Month"

Apr. 1987, p. 63

Original design: Bill Fleming

Coccinellidae (better known as ladybug in the US or ladybirds in the UK) are the gardener's friend because they eat lots of pests like aphids. My grandparents also me it was a sign of luck when you found them around.

A quick and easy slide carved out of maple and painted with hobby paints. Finished with a couple of couple coats of Poly and has a wooden looped to the back.