March 2022
Time to make:
2 hours
Finishing: 0 hour
Boy's Life:
1973, p. 63
Mmmmm...pancakes with real maple syrup, it doesn't much better (well maybe if you add bacon)! Well it's that time of year again to tap the maple trees, collect the sap, and boil, boil, boil... I spent many a late winter/early spring doing just that right up through college poised in front of the wood stove feeding it with one hand and a text book in the other. The funny part is that I didn't like real maple syrup back then.
The original slide called for making REAL mini pancakes, drying and then using varnish to seal the pancakes. As hard as I tried, I could not seem to get this to work but I got an idea with some material that may not have existed back in 1973. Fabric paint is a liquid plastic material which will stay thick as you put it on and some, depending on brand, will puff up with a little heat. I started with some white fabric paint making some circles of varying size on a piece of glass. (The glass provides a smooth surface and helps when helps when removing the pancakes.) Then I filled in the circles with tan fabric paint. Then taking yellow paint, I make a small circle for the pad of butter. When the paint was dry, I put a drop of the tan paint in the middle of the largest pancake. I took the next largest pancake on top of the largest pancake and moved around to glue the pancake to the lower one. I continued that process right up to the last pancake. I put a weight on top and let them to dry overnight. The next day, I took a sharp knife to the dried yellow and cut it into a square to make a pad of butter. I put a drop of yellow pain on top of the stake of pancakes and put the square on the drop and moved it around not only to glue the pad of butter but to also simulate the melting. When this is was dry, I thinned some dark brown fabric paint and applied it with an eyedropper letting it drip down the stack of pancakes. Finally, the dried stack of pancakes were glued to a wooden backer so I could attach a loop.
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