October 2023
Time to make: 2 hours
Finishing: 1 hour
Original design: Philmont/Bill Macfarlane
An interesting design I saw out at Philmont and thought this was a natural choice for a slide.
This is a quest to make all the slides featured in the Whittlin Jim's "Slide of the Month" in Boy's Life magazine. (Hopefully without doing lasting damage to my hands or fingers.) Blogging my progress along the way. I completed my task in March of 2017 and now post my own designs along with some other "Slide of the Month" contributors.
From http://www.historichalescorners.org/hchs4.htm
W. Ben Hunt (1888-1970) was born in the town of Greenfield, Wisconsin.
Ben Hunt was a leader in the outdoor movement and in the reintroduction of pioneer skills. He introduced subjects such as rustic woodworking, whittling and carving, metal working, and historic Indian crafts and lore as hobbies and handicrafts for fun and leisure-time activities. He was involved with the Boy Scouts on a local and national level.
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