Monday, October 15, 2018

Slide of the Month extra Bowie knife

October 2018

Time to make: 3 hours

Original design: Bobby Duke Arts 

Modified version: Bill Macfarlane

I happened on to Bobby Duke Arts You Tube channel and how he made a small knife from a stainless steel bolt. Hmmm...I think I could do that.

First a word of warning, stainless steel has chromium, molybdenum or both in it and if you want to try this slide, do it outside were the fumes are dissipated. Please do not do the forging in a closed area.

Following the video, I used a 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch stainless steel bolt and ground off the head of the bolt.  Using a propane torch and vice grips to hole the bolt, I heated the bolt to a cherry red color.  Using a hand sledge and a small anvil I began to pound the the bolt flat. Once I got it to a 1/8 inch thickness I smoothed the surfaces to remove the hammer marks. Next I found a picture of the legionaries Bowie knife and printed it out. Using an xacto knife, I carefully cutout the knife for a pattern. After the pattern was glued to the bolt, I used a permanent marker to trace around the pattern and when the marker was dry, I removed the pattern. Instead of using an  angle grinder to cut the shape, I used a dremel tool with a cutting wheel. Lots of time sanding with the dremel and file work to get the shape and bevels right. I chose black walnut for the handle, epoxied the wood to the knife and drilled the holes for the brass pins - also glued in place. More sanding to shape the handle then finally to a polishing wheel to finish the knife. The sheath is made some scrap leather and I added a leg loop so I could add a lower loop for the neckerchief.

It came out really well and turns heads when others see it. To answer the question I often get, yes it is sharp ... really really sharp.

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