Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Slide

End Jan 2010

Time to carve: 2 hours
Finishing:1 hour

With next week being Scout Sunday, I thought I would make something to wear especially for this occasion. Starting with a scrap of pine I glued the pattern on and fired up the scroll saw to cut out the outline. Taking my time, I carefully cut the groves that make the rays all around the slide. When I finished I pealed away the paper that was left on the slide (mostly where the cross is to go). I decided it was a good time to sand before starting the cross which turned out to be a good idea because I could not have done it after. I have some scrap black walnut that came from my father-in-law's family farm over a hundred years ago. I took another copy of the pattern (just the cross parts) and glued it to the black walnut. Off to the scroll saw again to cut out the parts, sand, and then glue to the slide. A bit of adjustment and the cross fit perfectly. Normally at this point I would use a water based Polly because it drys perfectly clear but in this case I wanted a bit of color. The oil based Polly adds just a slight golden color giving the wood depth.

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